

17th August 2021

Raiders and friends of Axion,

We have some bad news today. Yeah, that kind of bad news.

After 18 months of tireless work with leading the team, Falrick let us know last weekend that he’s is stepping down as RL and raider in about 3-4 weeks. As you can imagine, this leaves us in a very difficult position as a guild. Falrick has carried us through multiple bosses from his prep and tactics work, and many people have seen it and joined the guild because of it.

We’re faced with the difficult decision of trying to fill his shoes, or parting ways. Through conversations in- and out-of-game over the last week or so, we’re expecting at least 4-5 additional people will also leave the game with Falrick’s departure. Others will look to apply elsewhere to pick up the pace of progress. Jestern is in the former group, and Sibz in the latter.

At this point, we don’t see a way to avoid disbanding the raid team.

Thanks for your support and trust over the last year. We’ve come insanely far from where we started, and it’s truly disappointing to stop here, but we don’t see many alternatives. It’s a shit situation that nobody is particularly thrilled about, but it’s the reality of where we are.

If you still wished to be a part of our community our discord will remain open to play other games together and hang out.

best wishes to everyone,
Jestern, Falrick, and Sibz

Some highlights of our time together

Xy'mox Mythic Boss Downed